Building a Successful Team Workbook

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As your business flourishes, you may find yourself needing to build a team. However, before diving headfirst into recruiting, it's crucial to have a well-thought-out plan in place. 

Don't rely on guesswork or gut feelings - our Building a Team Workbook is a comprehensive toolkit to guide you through the hiring process. We'll help you determine what hiring should look like for your business and give you step-by-step strategies to ensure success. 

With this resource at your fingertips, you can confidently build a team that will take your business to the next level.

What’s included:

  • A comprehensive workbook to guide you through the process of deciding what type of team you need and how to get that team on board.

  • A building a team worksheet with set tasks to ensure your hiring strategy is right for your business, budget, roles & responsibilities.

  • An Interview Template & Recruitment Guidance to help you ensure a consistent, professional process.

  • An Induction Checklist to ensure hires receive an induction covering all the basics and is a consistent process for all.

  • A Probationary Period Review Form to ensure you’re accurately reporting Probationary performance and tracking any extensions.

How does it work?

  • Once you’ve clicked on the button, and made your payment you’ll receive a link to download all your documentation.

  • Read the workbook, undertake the tasks set and then personalise your templates to reflect your brand.

  • Start making your hires!

If you need anymore support, then our Pay As You Go hour will give you access to one of our expert HR consultants to help you.